Cash Generator is a company that buys and sells new and secondhand goods in the United Kingdom. The company sells new and refurbished household items with over 500 employees, alongside 120 franchise stores in the UK. The company is a member of the British Franchise Association (BFA) and they follow stringent policies to keep their customers in check. Some cash counters operate three systems, retail, buying, and financing, but most stores focus on the first two. 

Cash Generator return policy for in-store purchases states that if a customer can return an item within seven days, after purchasing it from the store, you might get a refund. But since all stores are franchised, their return policy duration may differ. But when you return a product you bought online to a cash generator store, you have terminated your contract with the company within 14 days, according to their online terms and conditions. 

Can I return an item I bought, if it becomes scarred or defective under my watch

If you have unsealed a video or audio recording, alongside computer software, Cash Generator would not accept your return, even if you claim that it is defective. Cash Generator would not receive a product that was scarred due to your actions. For instance, if an electronic item falls while you were trying to set it up, and refuses to function properly, Cash Generator would not receive the item because you damaged it. 

Every return and request for refund undergoes thorough examination to determine the cause of the defect, before refund. 

Do I get a full refund, if I return a bad product without opening it?

If Cash Generator confirms that the item was bad after examination, they would refund the full cost of the item, alongside your delivery fee if it was delivered to you. The company would also refund the cost of bringing back the item to the store, once confirmed. This policy only applies to defective products that have not been used. 

Do I get a refund of my delivery charge if it covers the movement of the item I returned, alongside other products

You can only get a delivery fee refund if it simply covers the defective item you return. If your delivery charge covers other products that you are using, there is no refund. After confirmation, Cash Generator sends you all the applicable charges, according to their preference.  

If I purchase an item online, can I return it if I do not like what I see?

After making an online purchase, a customer has 14 days to return the item to the store without any reason. If the customer returns it after the required return policy date, Cash Generator would not accept it, unless the buyer gives a valid reason like a mage or a defect situation. In a defective situation, Cash Generator would examine it and see if the customer can agree with them on the repair cost, or if there is a need for a refund. 

Returning an item signifies that you are canceling a contract. You have to write an email or a letter to notify the Cash Generator of your decision to terminate.

Cash Generator return payment

Cash Generator would pay your refund after confirming your cancellation, using your method of payment when purchasing the item. For instance, if you used Western Union to solidify a contract and you decide to return the gadget, Cash Generator would only use Western Union to pay your refund, if it is applicable. 

If I bought a bad item, do I need to return it before I get my refund?

Yes, a portion in Cash Generator’s online returns policy states that there would be no refund till the customer returns the item to the store, whether good or bad. If you bought a poor item, bring it to the store and identify the bad part. Once Cash Generator confirms, you will get your refund as soon as possible. 

If you want to return the goods through a delivery service, it is important to use the ones that partner with Cash Generator as postage proof. It is also to make sure that they return the items within 14 days. 

Returning a customized item

No, Cash Generator does not accept the return of any customized item or commodity made according to your specifications. This is because they may not be able to sell the item to another person after you return it. Cash Generator does not also accept the return of items that are soon to expire. 


Every ‘buy and sell’ company has its return policy to avoid being cheated. Cash Generator has a return policy of 14 days without any tangible reason. It also has a refund policy that occurs within 30 days, if applicable. Customers have to read through the return policy before purchasing any commodity.